Dates: Monday 28th – Wednesday 30th April, 2025
Location: Workshop 5 will be held at the European Space research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) which is the European Space Agency’s main technology development and test centre for spacecraft and space technology.
Main Topic: Space Quantum Technologies for Basic Science and Fundamental Physics
Special Topic: Outreach and Public Engagement
Who Can Apply: INSQT members will be selected in the first instance for attendance, else researchers with a view to apply space quantum technologies within the remit of the workshop are also encouraged to apply. In the latter case, please explain your interest and relevance of the workshop to your research.
- Local accommodation for up to 3 nights (nominally Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights) including breakfast will be covered by INSQT. The reception and workshop dinner will also be covered by INSQT.
- Lunch and other meals are at attendees own expense.
- Attendees are expected to arrange and cover their own travel costs.
- There will be a limited number of bursaries available to offset some travel expenses for those who would otherwise be unable to attend. Priority will be given to early career-researchers and PhD students with the amount available dependant on demand.
Key Dates
- 2024-11-29 Applications Open
- 2025-01-05 Applications Close
- 2025-01-24 Application Decisions Released
- 2025-02-28 Registration Deadline
- 2025-05-28 to 30 Workshop
Workshop Themes
- Space Quantum Sensors for Earth/Solar/Planetary Science Studies
- Astronomy/Astrophysics Space Quantum Sensors/Telescopes (including Gravity Wave Detection, Dark Matter, Dark Energy etc.)
- SQT for Fundamental Physics Experiments
- Outreach/public engagement for Space Quantum Science and Technology
Draft Agenda
A more detailed schedule will be posted closer to the the workshop. The following are indicative timings to help you plan your travel.
- Mid-morning on Monday 28th April: Workshop commencement
- Late afternoon on Monday 28th April: Drinks Reception and Poster Session
- Evening on Tuesday 29th April: Workshop Dinner
- Mid-afternoon on Wednesday 30th April: Workshop wrap-up
Organising Committee
- Dr Daniel Oi (University of Strathclyde)
- Professor Paul Griffin (University of Strathclyde)
- Dr Rachel Jamieson (University of Strathclyde)
- Dr Olivier Witasse (European Space Agency)
- Dr Olivier Carraz (European Space Agency)
- Dr Lisa Woerner (DLR)
We are particularly grateful to the European Space Agency for their assistance in organising this workshop and allowing use of the European Space research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) facility.
Details of the Programme Committee will be added.
Further Information and Useful Links
Note that if you are planning to attend from a country which requires a visa for travel to the Netherlands please take careful note of the dates and alert us as soon as possible of any requirement for visa letters/endorsement.
Previous ESA Workshop of Quantum Sensors for Space Exploration 2023
Any enquiries can be sent to physics-insqt@strath.ac.uk