We’re less than a week away from the highly anticipated INSQT Workshop 2! Kindly hosted by RAL Space, we’ll be welcoming delegates from nearly 10 countries to focus on challenges across Space Quantum Technology domains, particularly focusing on space quantum engineering.
We’re looking forward to bringing physicists and engineers together to enable more collaborative working between the two communities. Attendees from across career levels and specialties will bring diverse perspectives to the challenges posed; we encourage you to keep the collaboration opportunities that INSQT offers at the forefront of your mind as you hear their presentations, view their posters, and meet them in person; we would be very eager to fund Research Exchanges or Network Building and Enhancement Visits that you become interested in as a result of connections made at this workshop. We are here to help you partake in these visits to the best of our ability – never hesitate to speak to us about what we can do to help navigate any potential roadblocks you may face (childcare/other caretaking duties, visit length/timing, finances, etc.).
We wish you a very fruitful and enjoyable Workshop, and if you can’t make it this time, we’ll see you at the next one!